Dana Water Systems Blog

February Dana Water Blog 03/06/2017

We had another awesome month! We are always excited to meet new people and help provide them with some of the best water softeners, whole house systems, and RO systems around.

January Dana Water Blog 2017-01-31

Happy New Year from Dana Water Systems! We hope everyone had a great time over the holidays and is as excited as we are for the New Year. There have been a few changes in the Dana Water Systems lineup. Kendall, our previous technician and tech support, has now moved to Utah to study construction management at UVU. We are glad to still have him working with us from up there as he continues to manage the Dana Water Systems website and social media while he is away at school.

December Dana Water Blog 2017-01-31

Happy holidays to everyone! It has been another amazing month of business, and we are proud of the many things we’ve been able to accomplish thanks to our awesome customers.

November Dana Water Blog 2016-11-16

Business has boomed for us this past month. We have loved to once again see the bright and smiling faces of our customers that come down to the valley from up north.

October Dana Water Blog 2016-10-24

This past month we had the opportunity to do a bit of traveling. Earlier in the month we went down to one of Empire Southwest’s facilities down in Yuma where we installed a Dana 5600 commercial water softener. 

July Dana Water Blog 2016-08-18

We are excited about how things have turned out this month at Dana Water Systems. We have been extremely busy this month and we are so grateful to everyone for the business that is constantly being brought to us. 

June Dana Water Blog 2016-07-01

The heat has really kicked up this past month, but we are excited to see that business hasn’t slowed down one bit. We have been extremely busy all month, and we thank all of our customers for their loyalty. Because of them, more and more people are hearing about Dana Water Systems and are allowing us to provide them with the best services out there.

May Dana Water Blog 2016-06-01

It has been another very eventful month for us here at Dana Water Systems. We have tackled some of the biggest jobs we have ever faced and have enjoyed the ride! We are grateful to see that business continues to grow at a very steady pace, and we are confident that it will continue to do so.

April Dana Water Blog 2016-05-10

We have been blessed with another busy month in April. We are so grateful for all of our customers that have continued to support Dana Water Systems. We had the chance to meet a lot of new people this month and have also been reacquainted with many old faces.

March Dana Water Blog 2016-03-31

We are grateful to have seen business flourish in the month of March. A special thanks to all of our wonderful customers who believe in Dana Water Systems and the high quality products and services we offer here, and for continuing to spread the word to friends, family, and neighbors about how we can help make their lives even better by improving the condition of the water in their homes.